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Natural & Ecofriendly Room freshener

Zimmer Aufraumen Room Air Fresheners

What is a plant-based room freshener concentrate?

Due to their environmental friendliness and numerous health advantages, plant-based products have become increasingly popular in recent years. The plant-based room freshener concentrate is one such item. Plant-based room fresheners contain natural components that are safe and non-toxic, as opposed to conventional room fresheners, which are packed with chemicals that may be harmful to human health and the environment. In this article, we’ll look at the advantages of using a plant-based room freshener concentrate made by Zimmer Aufraumen and how it may contribute to a cleaner, greener house.

Zimmer Aufraumen has the best Room Air freshener Concentrates, which are completely plant-based and are a liquid of concentrated natural fragrances derived from plant sources such as essential oils, herbs, and flowers. These plant-based ingredients help eliminate unpleasant odours in the air while providing a refreshing and uplifting aroma.



  • Non-Toxic: Plant-based room freshener concentrates use natural ingredients, i.e. essential oil, making them safe and non-toxic. By using plant-based alternatives, we can reduce our exposure to harmful chemicals.
  • Eco-friendly: Plant-based room freshener concentrates are eco-friendly and sustainable. Plant-based concentrates are packaged in eco-friendly materials that can be recycled or reused.
  • Health Benefits: Plant-based room freshener concentrates offer various health benefits, such as reducing stress, improving mental clarity, and boosting immunity. Essential oils, commonly used in plant-based concentrates, are known for their therapeutic properties.

How to Use?

How to make natural air freshener for room

As a spray: Mix a few drops of 35 ml. of the concentrate with water in a spray bottle and spray it in the air or on fabrics.


There are 3 fragrances of room air freshener concentrate, each 35 ml, on

1. Kasmiri Rose Concentrate

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2. Himalayan Lavender Concentrate

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3. Lemon Bergamot Concentrate

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